The Benefits Of Singing
It has long been claimed that music has the power to heal and that singing in a choir is a fantastic way to tap into this resource but is it really true?
The activity of singing in a choir increases the oxygen levels in your body, stimulate muscles, releases endorphins and dopamine, and the song can affect the body deep into each cell. This gives a feeling of increased well-being, desire, commitment and energy. This can help reduce stress and tension. Engaging in the physical activity of singing is a perfect release of the love hormone oxytocin. Research has showed that the levels of the hormone oxytocin increased in singers, helped relieve pain. The singers became calmer and more relaxed because the body had released the hormone oxytocin, also known as the love hormone.
Singing in a choir can raise your energy and concentration levels, helping with mental health and breathing issues.
Singing in a choir is a joyous activity and the fabulous thing is that because everybody’s voice is different, it works best when everyone joins together.
Singing in a choir is an excellent way to meet people in a friendly, relaxed environment. People make friends and share experiences where they are fully committed to being non-judgmental and encouraging of each other. At the Knightley Singers we want people to enjoy sharing and making music together. We want people to laugh, cry, feel, explore and find their own voice. Why don’t you come and join us, you’d be extremely welcome!